

Last time I referred to “Tokyo Sonata” whose protagonist is a Japanese actor Teruyuki Kagawa. This actor also worked for the film “John Rabe”(2009) of the Chinese production. I knew this film produced negative comments in Japan and it was not opened to the Japanese public. I remembered I have seen an advance billing of this picture in a movie theater, but resulted in no projection in Mexico. In short, this is a story of Nanking Massacre in China by Japanese army, and a German hero who protected the Chinese. This is one of the cruelties that Japanese army had committed in the World War II. Even now there are some Japanese who denies that there had really happened this massacre. The leading military officer was one of the Princes of the Japanese Imperial Family and Mr. Kagawa had his role. This Prince was saved from his crime in the post-war trial as a member of the Imperial Family. Very unfortunately I could not see this film.

La vez pasada, comente un cine japones “Tokyo sonata” cuyo protagonista era el actor Teruyuki Kagawa. No sabia de este actor, pero me intereso su carrera. Ha participado en el cine chino “John Rabe” como el papel del jefe de ejercito japones en la masacre de Nanking, China durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Este jefe es uno de los Principes de la Casa Imperial de Japon. Claro que esta masacre es una de las crueldades que el Ejercito de Japon causo. Aun hoy en dia hay japoneses que no quiere reconocer la existencia de esta masacre. Asi es el acontecimiento de polemica. Esta obra no se proyecto en Japon. Me recorde que he visto el corte de esta pelicula en la sala de cine de Mexico, pero tampoco proyecto aqui. Este Proncipe es el culpable de la masacre, pero no le incluyeron el el juicio de la post-guerra, porque es de la Casa Imperial. Bueno, es muy lastima que no pude ver esta obra.