オーストラリア映画“Mao’s last dancer(小さな村の小さなダンサー)”, Bruce Beresford, 2009, Australia.

“Mao’s last dancer(小さな村の小さなダンサー)”, Bruce Beresford, 2009, Australia.

“Mao’s last dancer”, Bruce Beresford, 2009, Australia. In the immense China many people in a rural district spend their life with not so much significance. A boy, considered apt to modern dance, goes to the U.S. after so much exercise. It was under the Mao regime, and this boy was of communist discipline. In the U.S. at first he got an intense culture shock, but later he became an admirer of the American culture. However, preventing him from the capitalist contamination, China government called him to come back to China. This prominent dancer no longer wanted to go back to his own talent. Here I observe the essence of the politics and art problem of the second part of the 20th century. Anyhow nothing is so permanent, and we can’t resist against the transition of the times.

“Mao’s last dancer”, Bruce Beresford, 2009, Australia. Un joven chino afortunadamente tuvo exito como un bailarin, y hasta le invitaron a E.U, pero empezo bajo la influencia politica del regimen Maoista. Primero sufure con el choque de las culturas, pero pronto se asimilo por la cultura gringa. El caso de este joven es casi milagro en el contexto de la cultura china, y empezo a pensar la patria y la cultura internacional. O el arte y la politica. Veo la esencia de la contradiccion de esos asuntos.