アイルランド映画「“The runway”, Ian Power, 2010,Ireland


“The runway”, Ian Power, 2010,Ireland. In the countryside of Ireland an airplane arrived by accident. In this village two kids are good friends and one of them wanted to help his Colombian pilot. This kid has only his mother and has learned Spanish because his daddy would be in Spain. This kid is the only one who can communicate with a pilot. Later all the people in the village helped his to fly again. They say it’s a real history, but I could not understand and I considered the history of the airplane would be a fiction. By the way there are two famous Mexican actors. I enjoyed regarding this history as a daydream of the poor kid.

“The runway”, Ian Power, 2010,Ireland. En un pueblo de la provincia de Irlanda(claro que tiene el paisaje maravilloso) dos chicos son buenos cuates, pero el chico protagonista vive solamente con su mama. Se supone que su padre vive en Espana, por lo tanto este chico aprende el espanol. En este pueblo parece que un avion se aterrizo accidentalemente, y su pilot es un colombiano, por ello este chico es unico que pueda comunicarse. Poquito a poco este piloto cobro la confianza y finalmente pudo volar otra vez. Dicen que es una historia real pero no me parece verosimil, porque como puede atterizar tan facilmemente en este pueblo sin tantos problemas. Y por que en Irlanda, el piloto colombiano? Bueno, me parecio algo como una ficcion, y asi me diverti como una ilusion del chico protagonista. Aqui hay actores mexicanos, los hermanos Bichir.